2015 PhD, Religion, Emory University
2009 ThM, Columbia Theological Seminary
2007 MTS, Emory University
2004 BA, History, Vanderbilt University
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards (Most Recent)
2019 Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Junior Research Fellowship, W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem
2018 Research Fellowship, TOPOI Excellence Cluster, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2017 Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza New Scholar Award, Second Prize, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
2017 Research Grant, European Association of Biblical Studies
2017 Southeastern Regional Scholar Nominee, Society of Biblical Literature
2016 William G. Dever Archaeological Fellowship for Biblical Scholars, American Schools of Oriental Research
2014–15 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, The Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Emory University
2014 Summer Research Grant, The Rabbi Donald A. Tam Institute for Jewish Studies, Emory University
2013 Dissertation Research Grant, Southeastern Women’s Studies Association
2017 Women Praying and Prophesying in Corinth: Gender and Inspired Speech in First Corinthians. WUNT II/448. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Peer Reviewed Articles
2019 “Paul, Plutarch and the Gender Dynamics of Prophecy.” New Testament Studies. Accepted, forthcoming April 2019.
2019 “Uncovering Traditions in 1 Corinthians 11:2–16.” Novum Testamentum 61, no. 1 (January 2019): 70–87.
2017 “The Cadence of the Language of Magic in Greek Curse Tablets and First Corinthians.” Pages 129-49 in Gods, Objects, and Ritual Practice. Edited by Sandra Blakely. Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religions 1. Atlanta: Lockwood Press.
2017 “The Recovery of Paul’s Female Colleagues in Nineteenth-century Feminist Biblical Interpretation.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 33, no. 2 (Fall 2017): 21-36.
2015 “Community is a Body: Sex, Marriage, and Metaphor in 1 Corinthians 6:12–7:7 and Ephesians 5:21–33.” Journal of Biblical Literature 134, no. 4 (Winter 2015): 877–91.
Online Publications
2018 “Oracular Thinking, Ancient and Modern.” Medium. 6 November 2018.
2018 “From Job to Kevin: Scripture and Scripturalists in the Leftovers.” Sacred Matters Magazine. 2 February 2018.
2017 “Rock ‘n’ Roll Lazarus.” Sacred Matters Magazine. 25 April 2017.
2017 “My Time at a Roman-era Jewish Settlement.” ASOR Blog.
2016 “Women Prophets of the Ancient Mediterranean: Predicting and Enduring Danger” and “Dangerous Women Prophets in the New Testament.” The Dangerous Women Project. Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh.
Conference Presentations (Most Recent)
2018 “Prayer in Acts.” Prayer in Antiquity Interdisciplinary Meeting, Barton College, North Carolina.
2017 “In Strange Tongues: Isaiah 28 in Ancient Jewish Interpretation.” European Association of Biblical Studies Annual Meeting. Pauline Literature Unit. Berlin.
2016 “Uncovering Traditions: A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 11:2–16.” Southeastern Commission on the Study of Religion Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.
2015 “Gender and Prayer in the Ancient Mediterranean World.” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting. Prayer in Antiquity Consultation. Atlanta, Georgia.
Archaeological Research
2016 & 2017 Area Supervisor, Shikhin Archaeological Excavations, Israel
2016 Dever Fellow, Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem
2014 Volunteer, Halmyris Archaeological Excavations, Romania
2013 Visiting Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, for independent research at ancient Corinth
2011 & 2013 Participant, International Archaeology Seminar, Crisler Library, Ephesos, Turkey
Teaching Experience
2018 Visiting Instructor of Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Emory University. Course: When Women Were Prophets: Gender and Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean.
2017-18 Visiting Instructor of New Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary and Interdenominational Theological Center. Courses: First Corinthians: Greek-based Exegesis (CTS), Gospel of Luke (ITC)
2015–16 Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion, Wingate University Courses: Women and the Bible, Global Perspectives in Scripture
2014 Visiting Instructor of New Testament, Memphis Theological Seminary Course: Acts of the Apostles
2008–14 Instructor and Teaching Associate, Emory University Courses: Introduction to Biblical Greek, Concise Biblical Greek, Thinking Through Theological Education: Sacred Texts, Introduction to New Testament, Jesus and the Gospels
2008 Teaching Assistant, Columbia Theological Seminary Greek School
2004–05 Instructor of English, Huanghe College of Science and Technology, China; Course: English Writing
Ancient: Greek, Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic
Modern: German, French
Society of Biblical Literature, Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions, Southeastern Women’s Studies Association, European Association of Biblical Studies, American Schools of Oriental Research